Friday, May 9, 2014

The prayer of my heart for today.

Dear Jesus,

This morning, today, I turn my eyes toward You. I turn my heart toward You, with all of its ugliness and beauty, all of its fullness, and its depravity. Shine Your face upon me, Oh God. Let Your light reach the deepest, untouchable crevices of my soul with Your perfect love and healing grace… My whole being belongs to You.

This morning, today, I offer myself to You, as a living sacrifice. I lay down my life for You  and You alone. You are my God. There is none beside You. I will not chase after other "gods" in my life today. I will not give my heart over to them, as though they could fill me, or satisfy. You alone are my God. You alone satisfy. In You I put my trust.

Search me and know me, today. Be my closest Friend, my most intimate companion. Walk with me through today and into the night. Let each moment be filled with grace. A grace that acts as an open door to your kingdom storehouses… Remind me of all you have available to me "today".

I forsake the lie that You are not present with me in my day, today. There is not a single breath that I can breathe in my own strength. Every breath is enabled by Your life flowing through me. You are my strength, my sustaining power. You never leave me or forsake me. Teach me to rest in Your presence, no matter what comes my way. You are an ever present help in times of trouble (Ps 46:1)! Teach me to rely on You, to depend on You to the uttermost. Teach me to let go of control, to lay down my pride, and to test my fears before the Sovereign strength of Your eternal Word.

Teach me to enjoy the blessings of this world, without letting them rule over me. Teach me to rest in You as my All-Sufficient One. Teach me to see the troubles of this world through your eyes, and to accept them as stepping stones, that lead me further into Your grace and a to a greater awareness of Your Presence with me.

I am Your child, a daughter of the Most High. I walk in grace and favor, as one who has been washed in the blood of Jesus. I walk in communion with the King of Kings who reigns from everlasting to everlasting, in whom lies the authority over heaven and earth, and under the earth.

Today, You will make known to me the path of life. You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. (Psalm 16:11)

Heb 4:6-7
So God’s rest is there for people to enter, but those who first heard this good news failed to enter because they disobeyed God. So... “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts.”

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